
You can contribute financially to Love-in-Action Foundation. In order to donate using PayPal, click below:
Donate for LIA Foundation!

Thank you for your support !
Your donations can:
(US$ 25.00)
Supply a family with drinking water …
(US$ 100.00)
Provide a hearing aid and language training to a deaf child, one of the one million pre-school children in China who are hearing impaired. Eighty percent of these children have residual hearing and if early diagnosis and intervention is possible, a large percentage of these hearing impaired children can be brought back to the life of sound.
(US$ 200.00)
Help a child return to school … Every year in China, more than 4 million pupils (up to 30% in some counties) drop out of school because their parents cannot afford tuition or textbooks. This problem is amplified for disabled children and girls and in families where a member is suffering from a physical or mental disability or a parent has passed away.
(US$ 400.00)
Contribute to the training of a health care worker in the diagnosis and treatment of common ailments, gynecology and obstetrics as well as in the knowledge of when to send a patient for outside treatment.
(US$ 1500.00)
Support a library for a primary school …
(US$ 2000.00)
Support a medical clinic within a rural church … Between 8 and 9% of all peasants in China live in poverty because of disease. Often housed in an extremely simple complex of one-story mud houses in a remote or minority inhabited area, a local church’s clinic may be the only place poor farmers can receive medical treatment. Local churches are living out their faith as congregations offer money and labor, retired doctors offer skills and young people renounce lucrative careers to help meet their neighbor’s physical needs.
You can donate online, using Paypal - just click here:
Donate for LIA Foundation!

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